Water and Wastewater utilities face an increasingly complex range of challenges, from an evolving regulatory environment, changing system demands, and aging infrastructure to increasing operational costs for items like biosolids disposal.
By employing a combination of technical capabilities and structured finance solutions, NORESCO develops solutions for Water and Wastewater utilities. We minimize impact to ratepayers by monetizing operating cost reductions and revenue enhancements. We then reinvest in capital improvements that modernize plants and infrastructure, improve operational efficiency, and address environmental compliance issues.
We describe our approach to delivering our solutions as Progressive Design Build Guarantee. We take an industry standard Progressive Design Build approach to developing facility upgrades and add a long-term performance guarantee.
NORESCO has decades of municipal experience, understands institutional business challenges, and has the expertise and financial stability required to guarantee long-term performance of our projects. We constantly evaluate the latest technology to provide solutions that fit our clients’ specific needs.