Sustainability Consulting Services
Identify and integrate viable sustainable design strategies into new construction or existing buildings. Read more about sustainability consulting services.
Energy & Daylight Modeling
Analyze proposed design solutions to identify and evaluate alternatives for high performance. Read more about energy & daylight modeling.
Uncover your building’s potential. Optimize overall energy efficiency and comfort with building commissioning.
Measurement & Verification
Verify the actual energy-saving performance of building systems and discover opportunities for operational improvements. Read more about measurement & verification.
Energy Procurement
Plan and execute a long-term procurement strategy in the face of constantly changing markets. Learn more about energy procurement.
Energy Audits & Retro-commissioning
Collecting a large amount of data about a building and its systems is easy; turning it into savings is not. Uncover wasted energy and troubleshoot operational problems with energy audits & retro-commissioning.
REM/Rate™ and REM/Design™ Software
The REM/Rate™ and REM/Design™ suite of software products (the “REM Software Suite”) is the industry standard for HERS® Ratings, ENERGY STAR® certification, IECC® Code compliance, as well as for home energy analysis/weatherization. Learn more about the REM Software Suite.
Monitoring Based Commissioning
Monitoring Based Commissioning (MBCx) empowers building operators with automated data analytics tools to ensure persistent and optimal efficiency. The technology and services offered by NORESCO can bolster your building operations teams' ability to consistently monitor building performance.
WELL Building Standard® Consulting
The International WELL Building Institute’s™ WELL Building Standard® focuses on building occupants’ health and wellness. NORESCO can help identify and integrate viable design strategies into new and existing buildings.
LEED® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council®.
The ENERGY STAR® name and mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
IEEC® is an acronym for the International Energy Conservation Code, a registered trademark of the International Code Council, Inc.