Collecting large amounts of data about a building is easy; making sense of it is not. We convert building data into actionable information to benchmark energy performance, identify energy-saving opportunities, calculate returns on investment, and prioritize and implement selected measures.
Just as regular tune-ups help keep a vehicle in good operating condition, periodic building tune-ups can ensure a facility operates in peak condition. We look at each building as a complete system and evaluate how each component affects the whole. Our diagnostic testing investigates the dynamic interaction between building system components to uncover wasted energy and identify operational performance problems. We then evaluate, recommend, and implement selected corrective actions. Not only does this process improve a facility's energy performance, it can often resolve occupant comfort issues at the same time. When your facility staff spends less time responding to comfort complaints, they can spend more time maintaining, improving, and operating your facility.
Our energy audits and analyses range from preliminary walk-through audits to detailed investment-grade energy audits, which identify energy conservation measures and quantify energy cost savings. Our levels of auditing and analyses are based on the recommended practices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
An ENERGY STAR® benchmarking analysis is the easiest way to get a snapshot of your building's energy performance and compare that performance to other similar buildings nationally. Benchmarking is often the key first step toward improving a facility's overall energy performance.
Walk-Through Energy Audit / ASHRAE Level I Energy Audit
The walk-through audit provides recommendations about "low-hanging fruit", the most easily implementable and no-cost to low-cost solutions.
Retro-Commissioning / ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit
Retro-commissioning relies on testing and short-term diagnostic monitoring to uncover and systematically evaluate energy and cost-saving opportunities associated with system tune-ups and no-cost to low-cost measures. In this process, we investigate most minor and major energy consuming systems in your facility to identify operational inefficiencies. Studies show retro-commissioning typically provides savings of 10-20% of a building's annual energy costs.
Investment Grade Audits with Energy Modeling / ASHRAE Level III Energy Audit
To evaluate opportunities involving capital measures, we combine detailed energy auditing and monitoring with building modeling, using state-of-the-art computer simulation tools. By developing a detailed and calibrated model that corresponds to measured building performance, we can simulate various alternatives to determine the most cost-effective investments in HVAC equipment, controls upgrades, and other system changes.
City of New York Local Law 87
The City of New York, a national energy efficiency leader for improving local buildings, has created its own requirements for energy audits. As part of New York City's Greener, Greater Buildings Plan, Local Law 87 requires buildings greater than 50,000 square feet to undergo periodic energy audit and retro-commissioning measures. Through these measures, building owners receive robust information about a building's energy and water consumption, which then allows them to take corrective action to ensure building equipment has been installed properly and is performing as it was designed.
As one of the nation's most experienced energy consultants, NORESCO has helped many clients learn from and comply with Local Law 87. Our New York City presence keeps us well-positioned to advise the owners of urban buildings as local laws and building requirements evolve.
City of New York Local Law 97
To reduce carbon emissions from buildings, the City of New York enacted Local Law 97 in 2019 as a part of the Climate Mobilization Act. This leading-edge law places carbon caps on most buildings larger than 25,000 square feet—roughly 50,000 residential and commercial properties across NYC. These caps start in 2024 and will become more stringent over time, eventually reducing emissions 80 percent by 2050. NORESCO has developed services, including our LL97 Guarantee, to help building owners comply with this ambitious emissions legislation.
As one of the nation's most experienced energy consultants, NORESCO has helped many clients learn from and comply with Local Law 87 and plan for Local Law 97. Our New York City presence keeps us well-positioned to advise the owners of urban buildings as local laws and building requirements evolve.
ENERGY STAR® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.