
Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO)

The Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) sets the standard to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in the city of Boston, with a goal for all buildings to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. BERDO requires property owners to submit benchmarking reports showing total energy and water usage, use a third-party to verify reported data, and reduce emissions to meet set limits. Property owners who are not in compliance with emission levels face fines of up to $1,000 per day until reductions are met.

NORESCO offers leading-edge, turnkey solutions to pressing energy problems, such as developing facility benchmarking, meeting local energy emission laws, and adapting to economic challenges. We maximize net operating income with innovative financing options at little to no upfront costs for owners, so your time is spent growing your business, not stressing about necessary upgrades.

We make BERDO compliance easy with facility benchmarking and the turnkey development and implementation of improvements to reduce emissions. We design, procure, install, and measure the performance of retrofits that are BERDO compliance mechanisms, such as:
  • New lighting fixtures 
  • Upgraded heating and cooling systems
  • New efficient appliances
  • Building insulation and weatherization 
  • Solar renewable generation
NORESCO is on BERDO’s list of qualified energy professionals who provide third-party data verification. Send an inquiry to see how we can help ensure your BERDO reports are submitted and in compliance and take your facility to the next level of emissions reductions. 
NORESCO helped Goodwill Industries ensure BERDO compliance. We handled energy benchmarking responsibilities and confirmed that Goodwill Industries previous-years data was submitted and in compliance.
 “I appreciate all of your help with [BERDO]. You have no idea how much stress this has caused me. [NORESCO] has been a blessing for me. I am very pleased with the quickness of how fast [NORESCO] was able to get me up to speed with BERDO and being current again.”

Glenn Pierce,
Director of Facilities & Security
Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries