NORESCO Selected as a Qualified Energy Services Provider for Connecticut’s Lead By Example Program


The State of Connecticut's Department of Administrative Services (CT DAS) and Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) have selected NORESCO as one of the qualified energy services providers to its standardized energy savings performance contracting program via CT DAS contract number 12PSX0153. NORESCO, a national leader in energy efficiency and energy infrastructure solutions, utilizes design-build, performance-based contracting vehicles and asset monetization solutions to deliver energy and maintenance savings and significant infrastructure upgrades to existing facilities and is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX), one of the state's largest employers.

The new, standardized energy savings performance contracting (ESPC) program is part of the state's Lead By Example initiative and will be used by Connecticut state agencies and municipalities to help implement comprehensive energy-saving measures with no upfront capital. It is jointly administered by CT DAS and DEEP. Under the program, the costs of energy retrofits are paid from future guaranteed savings from utility and maintenance budgets, helping achieve budget-neutral solutions for energy efficiency and sustainability improvements.

In addition to energy benefits, the state's Lead By Example program is designed to deliver high-performance work and learning environments, significantly reduce the carbon footprint of government buildings and contribute to local economic activity. Based on studies by the National Association of Energy Service Companies and Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, the market size and potential impact in Connecticut are estimated at more than $1 billion of state and local government energy efficient capital improvements, with the creation of more than 25,000 Connecticut-based jobs. The actual economic impact will depend on adoption rates and project scopes at the agency and municipality level, with a list of qualified energy services providers available for selection.

The goals of Lead By Example are:

  • To support Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy 's goal of making Connecticut the most energy efficient state in the nation
  • To reduce energy use in state buildings by 10 percent by 2013 and an additional 10 percent by 2018, consistent with goals set by Public Act 11-80. State agencies eligible for ESPC participation include the system of higher education, vocational-technical schools, and units within the executive, legislative or judicial branches. Eligible municipal organizations include local boards of education, cities and towns. The City of Bristol, the Connecticut Department of Correction and the Connecticut Valley Hospital are among the first to take key steps toward energy efficiency projects through the new program according to an announcement issued by Lead By Example.

The program also provides resources for timely, effective project implementation, including:

  • Assistance and support with education about the program
  • A set of ESPC contract documents pre-approved by Connecticut's Office of the Attorney General
  • Energy expertise technical support
  • Financial technical support

“NORESCO is honored to continue to support energy transformation initiatives in Connecticut,“ said Chris Farren , regional group director, Northeast, NORESCO. “The Lead By Example program enables us to provide substantial energy and cost savings to taxpayers, while reducing the dependency on fossil fuels, and lowering harmful emissions and greenhouse gases. We look forward to a long-standing partnership and a successful program that will benefit all Connecticut stakeholders.“

For more information about NORESCO's involvement in the ESPC program, contact John Kauppinen at (203) 225-2613 for state agency support or Bill O'Donnell at (860) 883-7875 for local government support.

As one of the largest energy services companies in the U.S., NORESCO utilizes design-build, performance-based contracting vehicles and asset monetization solutions to deliver energy and maintenance savings and significant infrastructure upgrades to existing facilities. NORESCO has guaranteed more than $3 billion in energy and operating cost savings at more than 7,000 facilities throughout the U.S. and abroad. NORESCO also offers a full suite of consulting services to integrate sustainable design strategies into new construction and existing buildings. NORESCO is a part of UTC Building & Industrial Systems, a unit of United Technologies, a leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries worldwide.

About UTC Building & Industrial Systems 
UTC Building & Industrial Systems is the world’s largest provider of building technologies. Its elevator, escalator, fire safety, security, building automation, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems and services promote integrated, high performance buildings that are safer, smarter and sustainable. UTC Building & Industrial Systems is a unit of United Technologies Corp., a leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries worldwide.