NORESCO Recently Awarded $49 Million Energy Savings Performance Contract with the Federal Bureau of Prisons
Westborough, MA -
NORESCO, a national leader in energy efficiency and energy infrastructure solutions, will provide energy and water efficiency and capital infrastructure upgrades at two Federal Bureau of Prisons sites: Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Fort Dix, New Jersey, and Federal Detention Center (FDC) Philadelphia. The $49 million energy savings performance contract (ESPC) will help the Federal Bureau of Prisons progress toward achieving energy and water reduction mandates outlined in a March 2015 Executive Order 13693 regarding federal sustainability. NORESCO is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).
The ESPC will reduce water consumption by 61 percent and electricity use by 20 percent at FCI Fort Dix and will reduce water consumption by 44 percent and electricity use by 27 percent at FDC Philadelphia. The facility improvements to be implemented under the ESPC are funded entirely through guaranteed energy savings, requiring no upfront capital investment from the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Since 2003, NORESCO has contracted with the Federal Bureau of Prisons for more than $110 million in building system improvements funded by savings from energy and water reductions.
“We are honored to continue NORESCO’s long-term business relationship with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. NORESCO will provide a comprehensive energy and water project at FCI Fort Dix and FDC Philadelphia that replaces antiquated, inefficient infrastructure and equipment, while providing significant cost savings and renewable energy generation,” said Michael Beccaria, senior vice president and general manager, NORESCO.
At FCI Fort Dix, NORESCO will implement energy and water conservation measures that will introduce modern technologies and much-needed infrastructure improvements, such as centralized commercial laundry operations and domestic water upgrades, a centrally monitored building-level electric and water metering system, an energy management system and a solar photovoltaic system.</
At FDC Philadelphia, energy and water conservation measures will include long-lasting LED lighting replacements, heating, ventilating and air conditioning controls and equipment upgrades and replacement of porcelain restroom fixtures with stainless steel units, all of which will reduce FDC Philadelphia’s maintenance workload and improve facility conditions.
As one of the largest energy service companies in the United States, NORESCO uses design/build, performance-based contracting vehicles and asset monetization solutions to deliver energy and maintenance savings and significant infrastructure upgrades to existing facilities. NORESCO has guaranteed more than $3 billion in energy and operating cost savings at more than 7,000 facilities throughout the United States and abroad. NORESCO also offers a full suite of consulting services to integrate sustainable design strategies into new construction and existing buildings. NORESCO is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corporation, a leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries worldwide. For more information, visit